Liberty camp 2022

“Liberty, Culture and Prosperity”

This is our annual event organized and runs for 3 successful days of intensive discussions. 2022 liberty camp is our 8thcamp and will be hosted by University of Kisubi from 8th to 10th June 2022. This event draws student from African continent and speakers from the whole world.

The theme of liberty camp 2022 is “Liberty, Culture and Prosperity”

This camp is an opportunity for young people to participate and learn from the great teachers of free market system, international speakers, financial experts, CEOs of free market institutions, young entrepreneurs from across the global and meeting the team of young people pursuing to create a future of prosperity through the zealous spirit of promoting a society hinged on objective realization of individual life goals through individual pursuit ones goals and happiness. For the participants of this event will have an opportunity to create personal networks with classical liberal, NGO, professors, publishers and our partner organizations. Join us learn, discuss and understand the relationship between freedom and prosperity as well as philosophical background of ideas for a free society.

As organization, we hold a strong belief that educating the young generation as our niche/target audience foundation of building a free and prosperous society. We believe & uphold the power of free market ideas in transforming the lives of the individuals and how the free market has made the world prosperous.

We believe in inculcating this understanding in the mind of the young people so that they become a basis and epitome of societal change and development.

Action for Liberty and Economic Development has since its inception in 2017 conducted a series of successful seminars, conferences, liberty camps and workshops to educate and discuss with young people about how a free society works, how important it is and consequently, we have reached and discussed with hundreds of youths in the country and Africa especially in high institutions of learning. ALED has also mobilized and influence the community on policy changes especially on land policy and tax reforms.


We’re a Uganda based registered nonprofit free market think tank established in 2017. We believe and promote free market ideas such as individual liberty, rule of law, limited government, property rights and individual economic freedom (

Our mission is to promote a free and prosperous society with aspects of entrepreneurship and individual liberty & our vision is a free and prosperous society

We advance these ideas through workshops, conferences, and educational materials like free market books, CDs, seminars, camps, social media, media training and community outreaches.

We are located at plot 3A Buwaya view road, P. O. Box 1114 Entebbe municipality, Uganda

Taxation is Theft

Dan's book is now available on Amazon:

Taxation Is Theft: How Politicians Rob You Blind

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